Hey, It's O.K.!

Seriously, things can and do get better




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/11/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781493123506
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781493123490

About the Book

Look at the Contents. Do you see yourself in there? Perhaps you recognise someone you know, maybe someone close? Are you hurting, even a little, or do you just wish some things were different to make your life a little easier? Meet some of the people Jane, magnetic practitioner, has worked with. There are stories here that would break your heart if some things had not changed for them. Hey, It’s O.K! is the result of many years author Jane Skillicorn spent with adults and children, helping them not only with English and Literacy, but giving them new and different strategies for improving their lives through pretty simple stuff, really. But know it…. this stuff works! Every parent, grandparent, teacher and tutor should read this book. Every politician, manager and worker needs it; indeed everyone, including those making decisions or working with human beings and animals, needs it. Knowledge is power! Imagine the power we’d all have if we learned a little more about what goes on within our society and committed to action. If we could just take a few of the ideas raised within these covers, maybe, just maybe we could all make a difference, like Jane.

About the Author

Jane Skillicorn is well-qualified and highly experienced caring teacher with an extraordinary talent and passion for helping all students including adults to get through the tough stuff in life which blocks their learning and great living and denies achievement. A true agent for change, Jane helps people to new and happier lives.