I Cry Gray Mountains On the Moon

(Literary Objects)

by William Fairbrother



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/10/2000

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781469120195
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9780738831541

About the Book

A collection of  198 Literary Objects.  Autobiography, fiction, literary experiments, spanning over twenty years of writing.  The first three entries:

One Saturday morning amidst cartoons and commercials I stuck my tongue out far as I could, closed my eyes, touched the tip to the screen scooted back licking everywhere inside my mouth.  Then got on my knees shuffled up and pressed the top of my tongue flat on the screen for half-a-minute.  That night I had nightmares::::the screen cracking and me dissolving.  The next morning I named the flavor 'Silver.'

In the evenings Mom would say 'Looks like you kids've been fingerpainting the tv again.'  She'd go grab the Windex and the towel from the refrigerator handle.

I smell glasses when I take them from the cupboard.  They contain an odor of mustiness and usage::::such contradictions are always sweet.

I rinse them under tap water

I mistook a stain on my sheet for a potato chip.

About the Author

William Fairbrother is an American poet, playwright, novelist and artist living in Denmark. Born April 10, 1956, 10:10 pm, La Jolla, California. Winner of the Bravura Award for poetry. His works appear in numerous online zines.