To Be Or Not To Be

A Pastoral View of Suicide in Today's World

by William V. Rauscher



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/08/2000

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9780738825298
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9780738825304

About the Book

More than 30,000 people (many of them teenagers) commit suicide in the United States each year, while an estimated ten times as many attempt it, leaving family and friends at a loss for what to say, or do.  William Rauscher believes the time has come for all of us to look long and hard at an issue that, as A. Alvarez wrote, has permeated Western culture like a dye that cannot be washed out  for the question of suicide affects people from all walks of life, and is more complicated today than ever before.  To Be Or Not To Be is dedicated to the prevention of suicide:  and it speaks to those who contemplate taking their own lives, as well as to the parents, teachers, doctors, clergy, counselors, and friends of individuals troubled by doubts about lifes worth.

William Rauscher provides a well-balanced look first at the arguments in favor of suicide, arguments bolstered in recent years by the right-to-death movements, and others who ask, Is life always and under all conditions better than death?  He then goes on to refute these arguments, thoughtfully drawing on religion, psychology and most important, his extensive experience as a priest and counselor to individuals and families in moments of crisis.  Numerous case studies throughout support Rauschers position that, finally, suicide is not the answer, despite the logical arguments that can be raised in its favor.  Sensitive and mature, To Be Or Not To Be is a rational, readable guide that gives useful and inspiring counsel on one of the most disturbing problems facing us today.

About the Author

William V. Rauscher is a retired Episcopal Priest. His ministry of nearly forty years provided him with a wealth of pastoral experience. In his last parish, Christ Church, Woodbury, New Jersey, he served as rector for 36 years. His many interests include ascetical and mystical theology, parapsychology, the study of consciousness and the many sense and nonsense pathways of religion. His insights into contemporary religion in today's society and practical approach provide an unusual and thought provoking exploration of the ever-controversial subject of suicide. He is an Honorary Canon of Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, New Jersey, and for many years has enjoyed stage magic as a hobby while also known nationally and internationally as an historian and author of the subject. He lives in Woodbury, New Jersey.