by Lynn Wildman



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/04/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9780738845036

About the Book

Clint Bodine vowed that he would avenge the death of his parents who were killed by three men. The long, twisted trail in his search for the men started from his home in Central Illinois and led west through Kansas, the Territory of New Mexico, and finally to the Territory of Arizona.

  Clint knew there were no guarantees that he would find any of the men. He was under no delusion that he was immortal. More likely than not, his chance of being shot or killed along the way was certain. Each day of survival on the frontier depended on his ability to constantly learn to hide and live off the land, endless practice with his gun, and more often than not-sheer luck.

  Gunfights against hired men, stagecoach robberies, and falling in love were some of the obstacles he had to cope with along the way. No matter what the odds, Clint gritted his teeth, determined to keep trying as long as he could draw a breath.

About the Author

Lynn Wildman was born and grew up in Dewey County, Oklahoma. After attending Phillips University at Enid, Oklahoma, he worked for the federal government as a Mechanical Engineer for 28 years. Since his retirement, he has managed farming activities in western Oklahoma; and for several years, he checked real estate and mineral ownership records for many major oil companies. He has traveled extensively throughout the western states during the past fifty years on work assignments and in pursuit of his hobbies of hunting and fishing. Lynn now resides in Woodward, Oklahoma and has three grown children.