A Collection of True Christmas Stories About Kids…..For Kids Memoirs of true life experiences as a child

by d.b. thomas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/09/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781465356994

About the Book

During the Christmas season when most of us think of the crazy days ahead, some of us remember the good memories of years gone past. This story book is six true short stories of those favorite Christmas times long ago before computers, I-Pods, face book and twitter. A little boy goes to the big city, a train layout on Christmas Eve, a melting candle in church, a strange, small Christmas present under the tree, a surprise, life sized gift for a little girl, and a family gathering by the fireplace playing a board game on the floor. In this age of technology, it is a pause in one’s hectic life to remember the times when family meant something; a bond giving way to the fast-paced life and times of today...

About the Author

About the author… Born to a typical middle class American family, I am the eldest of three. I have a brother and a sister, two children and three grandsons. For nearly forty years I was employed in the field of Civil Engineering although I had a brief stint in the food industry. Toward the end of my engineering career I was diagnosed with type two diabetes, and more recently, cancer. I underwent surgery and chemotherapy for colon cancer and it was shortly after treatment I awoke one December morning with a story line in my head; a very well-built plot to a story that could not be abated until I finally wrote it down. As I wrote the middle, the beginning came to me and writing the beginning, my thoughts developed the end. After which a second novel was written and during the same time I wrote a collection of true children’s Christmas stories and a soliloquy entitled ‘Thoughts on Thoughts’. I am happily married to a wonderful girl who has shared our joys and sorrows as she provides great support for my new venture in writing. My favorite genre is murder/mystery of the late 19th century in which I have completed one novel and nearing completion on a second. Succinctly put, a baby boomer trying to re-invent himself...