The End of Time
Enki's Return
Book Details
About the Book
This is a story about an abductee who uncovers a plot by the most powerful Governments, Militaries, and Corporations of the world to use ancient knowledge and Alien Allies to gain absolute control of all men and all money on Earth. The Hero, Starke Liteman is an ex Green Beret who discovers that he is and has been an alien abductee. He finds the military involved with the aliens He discovers aliens working hand and hand with the world’s most powerful people to enslave and control mankind. Through his friends old and new, he finds the leaders and visits Jeruselem during the beginning of the Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. He discovers the Ark of the Covenant which is actually a sophisticated communications device which allows him to summon good aliens to help him fight the bad aliens. He also discovers that they have been enemies for thousands of years and their final confrontation is just beginning and that he is right in the middle. The plot includes Ancient civilizations like Sumer and their Gods who were and are in fact the old alien warring factions come back to Earth to settle up old scores. The hero discovers that these same ancient “Gods” have had covert , behind the scenes control of Earth’s ruling (banking and royal) families and the Earth’s wealth since the beginning of civilization. Control has been maintained through the years by way of ancient secret societies (Rosicrusians, Freemasons, Knights Templar, etc.). The culmination of all their plans is just coming together when the Hero stumbles on them and begins a movement to fight back. He discovers Advanced technology in the ruins of Baal’bek in Syria and with the help of the Israeli’s activates it and begins a valiant fight to end the attack (which is in great part as outlined in Biblical prophecy). His fight, however, is almost crushed when the good aliens arrive to finish things off. However, are the good aliens any better or is their plan just better disguised?
About the Author
Jeffery Austin Tyson was born in the deep south and was reading science fiction at 10 years of age. His interests lay in science fact as well as science fiction. He went to college to become an engineer and worked as a Project Manager in Construction for most of his life. He is 46 years old and does consulting work now and writes fiction as a second calling. He began exploring Conspiracy Theories with the advent of the Internet. This book is written to become a movie and includes Apocalyptic overtones derived from his additional research into Religions, the paranormal and Spiritual matters. All of his interests are woven together into a fascinating and exciting adventure of an abductee trying to save the world from a vast elite New World Order plotting to own all of mankind.