by Sr. Christiana Ntamere



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/01/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781493149865
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781493149858

About the Book

This book, “STANDING IN PRAYER FOR THE WORLD” is the fruit of a hard work asserting that life situation can produce positive effect through discernment and prayer. It highlighted the knowledge and spiritual enrichment emanating from keen observation and discernment of God’s presence in His creation, which Sr. Christiana gained from extensive travels as a busy Bursar General “panting for quality time with the Lord.” It is a book of four chapters. The first Chapter articulated operational Divine mechanism available to children of God in “quality time with the Lord.” Quality time is a possibility in every situation including busy and stressful times. In Chapter two the book challenges us to pray for people especially, our weak brothers, sisters and leaders, so that “devil will not mess them up.” Chapter three is devoted to prayers for our ministers to live out their vocation so that they can serve the people of God faithfully in the spirit of God who chose them for special ministry. The final chapter reflected on the churches’ moral virtues compounded into prayers that uplift the mind of the one praying, based on the ethics of the virtues of obedience, faith, hope, charity, joy, kindness and humility. It includes a poem on the mystery of death, which puzzles humanity including Sister Christiana who lost both parents within three months interval. Reflection on the mystery of death builds hope cemented with prayers of total trust in God in all circumstances of life. This book therefore, is theologically sound and thought awakening to the wonders of the Almighty God made visible in the author’s gravity of understanding and experience. This is a book worth reading for spiritual uplift and enrichment. It stands the test of time! Simply put, it is a book for all seasons. Very Rev. Father Jeremiah Ofoegbu Adjutant Judicial Vicar (Marriage Tribunal) Catholic Diocese of Okigwe, Imo State, Nigeria

About the Author

THE AUTHOR Sr. Christiana Ntamere is the youngest child of the seven children of Nze J. N. Ntamere and Ezinne Cecilia Ntamere of blessed memory. Christiana Ntamere belongs to the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus. She was a pioneer staff member of Catholic Institute of West Africa and the first CIWA Bookshop Manager. She worked as a Bursar General of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus where she was responsible for the finances of her Order (nationally and internationally) conducting accounting workshops, developing and approving budgets, as well as recommending to project managers a more cost effective management program. She also served as an Executive member and Treasurer of National Association of Religious Treasurer and Bursars. Before that, she served as a Director of Novices where she was responsible for Novices’ training that focused on evangelization and community outreach. Currently Sr. Christiana serves as an Associate Chaplain at St. Margaret’s Health in Indiana, Advisory Finance Board Member for St. Jude the Apostle Church in South Holland and a Treasurer/ Call Group Leader for St. Victor’s Charismatic group in Calumet City, Illinois. Sr. Christiana is a member of National Collegiate Scholars, as well as a member of Golden Key International Honor Society. She earned BS in Accounting, Public Administration and MS in Public Service Management from DePaul University and recently received a doctorate degree (DBA) in Business Administration from Argosy University.