The Many Faces of Subud

by James Maxwell; Lydia Rand; Skip Wollen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/04/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781413488357
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781469117478

About the Book

Subud is a direct and spontaneous spiritual experience that allows people to receive a contact with the Great Life Force. It re-awakens their inner feeling and puts them in touch with their own guidance, eventually bringing to the surface their true nature which was before obstructed and cluttered with erroneous beliefs, ancestral patterns of behavior, culture, education and their family malfunctions. Many have found a deeper understanding of their own religious beliefs from the evidence they receive for themselves. Others have come to actualize their true talent and work. There are Subud groups in eighty countries, bringing together harmoniously people of many different religious and ethnic backgrounds. The spiritual practice, or latihan, arises from within. It is a natural process that occurs without effort or study. This book is the result of the collaborative effort of three women who have practiced the latihan of Subud for decades. It compiles testimonies of Subud members from all over the world, on different topics. Each chapter begins with a short account of observations, experiences, receivings and dreams on the subject. People interviewed were of different age groups, social and ethnic backgrounds, some newly “opened” in Subud, some older members, some second and third generation Subud. The opening latihan – when one first receives this contact - is a ceremony of introduction into the spiritual exercise after a three-month period of inquiry referred to as the probation or investigation period. Through the latihan people renew their contact with the power of God and become aware of the latent powers that reside in all of humankind. The central feature of Subud is the latihan kejiwaan, or inner training, which takes place for half an hour up to an hour, two or three times a week, and is practiced by men and women separately. Subud has little doctrinal teaching except for the belief in divine power and higher centers of consciousness. The implication is that people practicing the latihan align themselves with those higher centers. It is available to any person seventeen and older who has a sincere wish to worship God and wants to receive this contact. The action of the latihan within each person allows the power of God to express itself spontaneously through singing, chanting, shouting, moving, dancing, crying, laughing, etc. Subud’s founder, Bapak Muhammad Subuh, explains that in this way, when in the latihan we make a complete surrender to the Power of God (or the Great Life Force), we can receive the education of our inner selves, free from interference by our minds and hearts and according to our own individual needs. Participants have often reported strong feelings of rapture and release, psychological and physical healing. During latihan, one lets go of thoughts and emotions in order to follow what surfaces: those movements and sounds that spontaneously arise from deep within. It is a form of cleansing which allows the worship of God to become stronger and less obstructed, a training that lets individuals get in touch, develop and trust their inner guidance, enabling the complete self to emerge through an action that comes from beyond the thinking and the will.

About the Author

Three travelers, as disparate as it gets: an artist, a poet and a geologist recount their journeys on many continents and climes. From Africa to Eurasia to Greenland, Central and South America, Oceania and the American West, their traveling companions and the people and situations they encounter may raise your hackles, bring on a shudder or a laugh. Along the way you’ll experience interesting geographies, ethnologies and sometimes bizarre human behavior. Bueno Viaje! James Maxwell is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer, he incorporates words, statements into his art work. "I am an image person, I get my understanding of life through pictures - little reason why I travel." Lydia Rand was born in Paris and moved the U.S. in the sixties. She is a published poet and short story writer in both French and English. She is first and foremost an inveterate traveler. Skip Wollenberg is a geologist whose travels have taken him from Greenland to Siberia to Patagonia. His travel stories have a strong sense of the geography and geology of the land that anchors the reader in the setting.