THE Life and Times of Charles: Book IV

by R. O. Gunther



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/05/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781499008388
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781499008364

About the Book

Charles and King have been convinced that their purpose in life now was more important than their past endeavors to bring peace and safety to the world. Those adventures have been vividly told in our previous three publications. Please see the Preface. It had been a year since the publishing of their third book—The Sharp Sword. The accurate research contained therein sharply concluded: that most ancient book in the world, The Bible—all though written by men, must have been inspired by God. Now in this publication, Confrontation, it was found that The Sharp Sword had been having a wide circulation. Organizations had been requesting more information and personal interviews: religious organizations inquired; philosophic groups; atheistic and agnostic believers; even a mythological society had responded. Therefore Confrontation with the world’s religious-philosophic communities became their determination. Their conclusions were of earthshaking importance. They were confident that the Bible clearly discloses God’s purpose in creating and also his activity throughout history and down to this eventful period in which we live. Can these conclusions be true—really? An academic delving into the Bible’s contents; a non emotional, non prejudiced study uncovers real reality which overrides the present superficial reality is that smothering daily life.

About the Author

The author had worked closely with the television comedy industry of past eras. There, is love for humor acquired expression from the genius of the renowned comedians of that day. That association built into him, or, rather, brought out what was built in him, a deep-seated “terrible sense of humor;” which has been termed clever imagination.