Introducing Radian

Super Heros Radian and Radiance

by James A. Mays, MD



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 8/12/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781413415322

About the Book

Introducing Radian is a fictional story with a real life foundation. It is a story created by a father as told to his young son to stimulate his imagination and at the same time, creating a bond of shared knowledge and closeness through intimate communication.

A story of a precious baby who had lived in a society without evil, however doomed to natural destruction, saved by an American couple without a child. The child, endowed with the goodness of a civilization without evil however with the foundation of great mental and physical capabilities due to its environment of radiation and iron. The love and care by his adopter American parents form the foundation for his personality. The American parents due to their leadership in eliminating the violent plagues of their community left him an orphan for a second time. They are killed by drug dealers. His remorse and anger motivated him to further enhance his natural radian and iron powers to become “Radian,” the Super Hero who pledged himself to rid the world of the evil of crimes, drugs, and murders. His descriptive feats and adventures to eliminate murderers, gang bangers and drug bosses are vividly described eventuating into the need for companionship with the introduction of his teenage friend and now lover, Radiance, the first female Black Super Hero, culminating into the vivid description of a melt down at an out of control nuclear power plant with an explosive description of self sacrifice as the iron and radian rich body of the Super Hero becomes a swirling mass of radioactivity that saves the entire California West Coast.

About the Author