'Tzin, Part Two

A Novel of Ancient Mexico

by Charles Lakin



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 14/08/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9780738824543

About the Book


A Novel of Ancient Mexico

by Charles Lakin

‘Tzin is a trilogy set in ancient Mexico nearly 11 centuries ago -- when legends were born. The story centers on the long life of Nunya, a member of an illustrious but vanquished people called the Nonoalca, and his relationship with two other characters: Topiltzin, the enigmatic son of a famous warlord; and Xilonen, a woman of great beauty, intellect and complexity.

Surrounding this trio are numerous colorful characters, such as Tico, a con man who becomes Nunya's lifelong -- and often reluctant -- companion in adventure; Chuxan, a renowned prophet who is not above manipulating people into fulfilling his prophecies; Cuhuatli, a simple but proud warrior of the conquering people called the Chichimecs; Tecah, an astute and conscientious merchant-prince; Ixtah, the patient and clever daughter of a Maya lord; Balam, an idealistic Maya prince; and Ixtilton, the son of a famous general and a dark and sinister opportunist.

When we first meet Nunya in the first volume, he is an old man living in self-imposed exile among the Anazasi of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. As he prepares to write his life story, his mind is enveloped by the mystical power of his past -- or by what we would simply call memories. As the stylus he is about to write with slips from his hand, we are propelled back in time to the Mexican highlands, called Anahuac, on the day an eighteen-year-old Nunya is about to be wed to his childhood sweetheart, Cihua.

Nunya's wedding only reinforces the predictable life he is expected to lead as a farmer and husband, yet he dreams of becoming a participant in the acts of great men. He is, after all, the descendant of master builders. But such dreams seem impossible: his people are subject to the whims of the Chichimec Lord Ihuitmal of Culhuacan. Then Nunya's village is suddenly overrun by Chichimecs, his bride is brutally raped and killed, and his people rounded up and taken to Culhuacan. This sets off a chain reaction of events which bring about everything Nunya wanted his life to be -- and all the personal tragedy and proud accomplishments that go with it. At first he is only a witness to events: then he grows into a man of action.

His deeply personal friendship with the young priest Topiltzin thrusts him into the limelight when it is discovered that Nunya's friend is the rightful heir to the throne of Culhuacan. Topiltzin assumes his roles as both ruler and spiritual leader (Quetzalcoatl), and initiates a new era of enlightened leadership. Nunya rises with him, always at his side, and even helping to design Topiltzin's new capitol of Tollan.

As the first volume concludes, Nunya's seemingly justified murder of a Chichimec priest forces him to flee his land, his king, and the wife he so loves: Xilonen.

Part Two opens near the eastern coast of Mexico, where Nunya and Tico are captured and sold to Maya traders who take him to The Golden Land (Yucatan). There, he tries to ingratiate himself with the ruling lord of the crumbling city-state of Yaxchilan. His actions only insert him into the intrigues of two warring families, leading to a spectacular escape and a bloody war. Among the Maya, Nunya is able to achieve the destiny he thinks was denied him in his own land. He even re-creates the city of Tollan in Yucatan, where it is called Chichen Itza.

About the Author

Charles Lakin is a researcher and writer for Sky Creative Media Group, where he wrote the narrative for the company's critically acclaimed CD-ROM UFOs: Just the Facts. He is also the author of seven plays and a new novel for young adults called Slow Dissolve. Lakin lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his wife Mollie and (sometimes) his daughter Chandra.