The Disinformation Cycle
Hoaxes, Delusions, Security Beliefs, and Compulsory Mediocrity
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About the Book
In THE DISINFORMATION CYCLE, longtime publicist for three concert hypnotists, Dr William Harwood, argues that hypnotism does not exist. He calls psychiatrists "self-deluded," trade unions "a worse evil than the one they replaced," alternative medicine "quackery," Scientology "a money-making scam posing as a religion," and North American schools "babysitting institutions in which teaching has long been illegal." He reaches unflattering conclusions about lawyers, psychics, Mensa, network television, "sacred cows," and "fanatics who justify atrocities by claiming to be obeying a god." But probably the most convincing arguments in Dr Harwood´s book, backed up by evidence that even hardcore believers will find difficult to rebut, are in the chapter on UFOs and alien abductions. Harwood believes that there are almost certainly intelligent civilizations elsewhere in our galaxy. But since they are so far away that, for reasons explained in the book, they could not reach earth in less than 5000 years, the claim that, because they are "out there," they must also be here, is a non sequitur. This book will not please the ignorant or the gullible.