Fool's Gold

by William R. Johnson



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 23/12/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 325
ISBN : 9781413467314
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 325
ISBN : 9781413467321

About the Book

“FOOL’S GOLD” a novel Jarl Bjornson had come through the Golden Door from Sweden at the age of eighteen—He’d come to be a cowboy then—Now some years later Jarl was a former cowboy, a veteran of WWI and out of work like just about everybody else…it was 1933 but jarl was going to do something about it: “We’re going to California, Ronda…I’ll find work there…it’s always summer in California.” If it sounds depressing, it is not. It is a story of love, humor and history…and a GUN. The adventure and hi-jinx are mostly created by Jarl’s son, age eleven, who eventually finds a way to go home to Minnesota…but it is actually “fool’s gold” that pays the way…

About the Author

William R. Johnson Minneapolis, Minnesota William “Bill” Johnson was born and raised in the whole country. But the beginning and end of his life journey always seemed to center on Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bill’s mother died on the week he would become five years old. His father went through hell’s fire and damnation to raise the boy and be a family. The times were uncertain at best. They moved a lot. Father Carl Johnson remarried when Bill was eight and a respectable family life came about while Bill went to twelve schools in four states. He graduated from Roosevelt High in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His stepmother, Gunhild Olander, presented two younger brothers and some of the adventures of this book.