My Holiday Prayer

An American Survivor

by Carol Overacker and Benjamin Warner



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 2/04/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781441510303
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781441510310

About the Book

My Holiday Prayer - An American Survivor, is a book of poems and words of reflection written to inspire and give hope where hope may be needed. Ten years ago my son, Benjamin, and I began our dream of spreading words of hope to whoever would listen. Throughout years of struggles ourselves, we still would try to hang onto our dreams and turn them into realities. We would develop musical talents the best that we could, seeing the joy that it brought to people. I would sing and he would play guitar, until our team was later split up on the stage. Once again realizing the power of words, we would later develop an interest for writing. Through letters we would exchange words over the miles. These are thoughts that we have experienced and felt over the years. My personal thoughts are added as a reflection of time as I compiled this book of memories and inspirational messages to our readers. So many people and events have influenced my life in positive, and not so positive ways over the years. I tried to learn and take what I could from those circumstances as I chose to grow from them. In ways, hopefully, so that I can have a positive effect on others lives that I meet each day. "Soft spoken words he would always tell me, soft spoken words, words to help me see. This world is ever changing, This world, he would say to me, don't live for tomorrow, but, make sure, you live to see". These are song lyrics from "Live to See" in the book, that I have turned into a poem, which have strong meaning to me. My Pa was blind, yet, had such strong insight to the world around him. We would sit and talk for hours of the world ever changing, as he would teach me to take the good out of life, trying to add as much positive as I could along the way. Most importantly, to remember to really live life. Such powerful words to remember. This song took me 7 years to finish writing as it had such emotional ties to it. I hope that you feel a message from his words as well.

About the Author

Raised in upstate N.Y., living and loving my roots in the Adirondack area, I was able to run and play as a child in the trees and splashing in streams. This is where I developed my imagination and dreams. Dreams to one day become realities. Feeling sad once as a child, I vividly remember lying on my bed as I heard the most beautiful sound that I had ever heard, it was the music of an angel cheering me up. Right then, I knew that I needed to try to bring hope, joy, and inspiration into someone else's life as I had felt it that day. The hope and inspiration that the gift of music brought to me over the years, words can't explain. My hope is that these words and words to come will help inspire at least one person to realize just how important you are. Despite all odds, you are special because you are you.