The Lists

by T.O. Reynolds



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/05/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781462872121
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781462872138
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781462872145

About the Book

This is a political thriller involving motivating or terminating movers and shakers in Washington, Wall Street and worldwide. From December, 2011, through December, 2020, more than 400 planned deaths occurred. Some of these people died when identified as being totally corrupted, beyond redemption. Others received an ‘assignment’ from The Lists and failed to perform. They were warned ‘termination’ could result if they chose to ignore their task. In 84 instances, family members or associates became collateral damage. If you’d like to find out more about The Lists and how they influenced your life, perhaps this book will provide you with the information you require. After reading the book, you be the judge did The Lists make it a better world or was it an exercise in futility? T. O. Reynolds

About the Author

Tom was raised in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh during the WWII era. He attended the University of Pittsburgh and served in the United States Marine Corp. His career began in the steel mills while going to school. The last 35 years he managed aluminum producing plants in Ohio, West Virginia and California. Tom and his wife, Barbara, have 6 children between them and 11 grandchildren. They reside in The Villages, a retirement community of 80,000 golfers and 30,000 golf carts in central Florida. They continue to travel all over the world, enjoy golfing, driving their Corvette to car shows and visiting with family & friends. Tom contemplated writing The Lists for several years. The hardest part was taking the time to sit down and write the first paragraph. It’s a subject near and dear to him and he hopes it will become so for you after you read The Lists. He’s begun writing his second novel, another thriller, titled “What if?” Watch for it sometime in 2012.