Melodramatic Animals

A Poetry, Prose and Short Stories compilation by Father and Son

by Rus Balcuns and Christopher Balcuns



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 25/05/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781413489873

About the Book

A collection of poetry, prose and short stories written by authors, Rus Balcuns and Christopher Balcuns. Rus has been writing since he was fourteen. Now thirty-four he reaches out to rekindle his relationship with his eldest son Christopher. Circumstance has seperated Rus and Christopher for several years. Now Rus Balcuns finds his son Christopher. Christopher now 17, to his father´s surprise and joy turns out to be an avid writer as well. Together they collaborate and put together a collection of their writing into a book titled Melodramatic Animals. The title Melodramatic Animals is chosen as a symbolic description for mankind and all he is. The book takes a journey through the lives of both father and son through their emotions, beliefs, dreams, life, and death. Rus and Christopher both hope that you would enjoy and share in their thoughts. Laugh, cry, and study life with them. Wether you come to agree with their views, debate them, or perhaps are just moved to see things in another light, you will come to enjoy Melodramatic Animals.

About the Author