The Diary of a Hardcore Biker

by Bongo Najja Foluke



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 28/02/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781436304719

About the Book

It’s a thrill to be riding along the highway on a motorcycle. It’s so different than being in an automobile or truck due to the feeling of the wind and the absence of the surrounding of the vehicle. When this sport, for lack of a better term, consumes you to the point whereby you’d rather be on your motorcycle than in a vehicle, you’re reaching the point of becoming hardcore. It’s only after riding many miles and still loving it that you reach the level of being a hardcore biker. Such a person rarely cares about the rules of society regarding how one should act or shouldn’t act, though we tend to stay within the confines of the law, to some degree, we have our way of doing our own thing the way we see fit, with or without the approval of society. Needless to say, not all hardcore bikers fit this image, but those who do are the ones, I would say, are truly free, at least more so than the others. A hardcore biker doesn’t have any fear of riding his/her motorcycle, for they are at peace with life and are ready to face their destiny, whatever it may be. Some may say this is a crazy way of thinking, and they are entitled to their opinions, however, the hardcore biker doesn’t fear dying, so we tend to be free of those worries. We won’t let fear rule over our judgment, for we feel we are the conqueror of fear. That can only bring peace.

About the Author