Polish Pioneers in Illinois 1818-1850

by James D. Lodesky



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/02/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 405
ISBN : 9781441550460
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 405
ISBN : 9781441550453
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 405
ISBN : 9781462821884

About the Book

This book attempts to discover the names of the first Polish settlers in Illinois, when they came to Illinois and their stories when possible. Some left complete stories about themselves while others only a very small amount. The time period starts in 1818, the year Illinois became a state and ends in 1850. I found much more information between 1818 and 1850 then I thought I would so I cut the book off at 1850. The Polish settlers are divided into five different categories. 1. Polish Political Exiles from Russia. 2. Polish emigrants from mainly German occupied Poland. 3. Polish Jews. 4. People of Polish descent, those persons with a Polish ancestor. 5. Emigrants from an undetermined county whose last names look Polish.

About the Author

James D. Lodesky is a native Illinoisan with a life-long interest in history and genealogy. While researching his Polish ancestor, James discovered that his great-great grandfather, Franciszek Wlodecki, was one of 234 Polish soldiers exiled to America in 1834. Further research revealed that a number of these Polish exiles settled in Illinois in the 1830’s and 1840’s, Franciszek included. Besides the exiles, other Polish emigrants were settling in Illinois at the same time and are also included in this book. Research in county historical societies, libraries and courthouses throughout the state has produced the most accurate count of the first Polish settlers in Illinois.