Awakening to Christ-Consciousness
Book Details
About the Book
This book is a guidebook for the readers who wish to deepen their spiritual connection to God by taking seriously the admonition given by Jesus the Christ to “Go inward” and “Seek the Kingdom of God.” It is a third in a series based on the Spiritual Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom brought forth in recent times by The Teachers From the Realms of Light. The first two books from this Source contained Discourses by two sets of Teachers and their messages concentrated on Spiritual Growth through going inward to align and anchor in the Soul. The Teachers affirmed that the Soul is that part of us that is, in fact, the Divine Spark of God within each one of us.
It is also a guidebook for those who feel compelled at this time on the Earth to make a difference, to join with others to add their will-power, creativity, resources and their actions to make the whole world a better place for all humanity.
The book is divided into four sections. The first section is entitled “The Essentials to Understand” and contains five essays on the basic Spiritual Truths that under gird most of the world’s religious teachings.
The second section is entitled: “Tasks to Accomplish” which stresses the reader’s intent and self-directed actions to help them move away from ego and embrace the reality of their own Soul’s mission in the world.
The third section is entitled: “Environments to Create” that gives practical help in creating environments that are conducive to creating higher vibrations of holiness/wholeness. As this is done the seeker is assisted in practicing the disciplines of going inward and raising spiritual Consciousness through meditation, seeking the Silence, and releasing the learned habits of the "lesser self."
Section four contains four Discourses brought forth by The Aquarius Teachers (speaking from the Realms of Light) and a lengthy final chapter that provides additional spiritual resources from both ancient and modern writers and spiritual Teachers. These excerpts are taken from eastern and western spiritual traditions and contain such well-known teachers as Alice A. Bailey, Paramahansa Yogananda, Eckert Tolle, Joan Borysenko and Gordon Dveirin, and Eileen Caddy.
The Aquarius Materials: A Trilogy
"Living from the Soul: Awakening to Christ-Consciousness"
"The Resurrection Fire: Universal Teachers from the Realms of Light"
"The Brotherhood Discourses: Children of Light Awaken"