Man, Money Ministry

by Apostle Steve Lyston



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/06/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 119
ISBN : 9781441538741
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 119
ISBN : 9781441538758

About the Book

Man, Money and Ministry are three of the most critical areas for the development and prosperity of mankind! One cannot truly prosper until one fully understands God's principles and precepts for mankind. Contrary to popular belief, prosperity is not just about the acquisition of cash and financial wealth; but it is a comprehensive amalgamation of spiritual, emotional, physical elements that bring balance, abundance and success to life in all areas to the Glory of God. Man, Money, Ministry helps you to understand how to balance these elements and to evaluate your Stewardship on three (3) levels - personal, secular and ministerial.

About the Author

Apostle Steve Lyston is the Apostle for Restoration World Outreach Ministries Inc (RWOMI) in Florida, USA and the seven (7) branches Restoration Outreach Ministries Int’l (ROMI) in Jamaica, West Indies. He is a Director of the aliated ROMI Training Institute & School of the Prophets. He is a Bishop with Living Faith World Ministries in Daytona Beach, Florida. He is the author of the phenomenal book on nance, wealth creation and understanding Biblical Principles on wealth – End Time Finance: God’s Guide For You, Your Business, Your Church And Your Nation and also The New Millionaire. He is also a member of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce in Florida and a member of the National Chaplains’ Association.