The Foundation and Focus for Living
A Doctrinal Study of Scripture
Book Details
About the Book
The Bible is our foundation for living and our future in dying. It is our self-sufficient rule for faith in God and fellowship with man. In his book, Knowing The Doctrines of the Bible, Myer Pearlman states, “Strong beliefs make for strong character; clear-cut beliefs make for clear-cut convictions”. There would be no Christian experience if there were no Christian doctrine. Therefore, as you read the pages of this book, may you gain insight into the inspiration of God provided for us in His Holy Book, the Bible. And in reading, may you acknowledge the great truths found therein and accept them as the foundation and the focus of your life. The grand inspiration and the glorious instructions that are revealed to humanity by the Spirit of God in the Bible are worth learning and living. For in these wonderful revelations are truths that will delight the soul, defend our life, defeat the enemy and declare us righteous before a holy God.
About the Author
John Graham is an ordained Assemblies of God minister who resides in Hot Springs, Arkansas. He has pastored in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas; and has evangelized across the nation. He has held positions of leadership in both the Mississippi and Arkansas Districts of the Assemblies of God. Reverend Graham and his lovely wife, Elaine, have been married fory-one years. They have three children and four grandchildren. He has written and presented several teaching sessions, sermons and short devotions on radio and television. He has written several articles for magazines and newspapers. He has authored three other books: “The Foundation and Focus for Living;” “Are You Running With me Jesus? “and “Are You A Disciple Of Christ?”