Miracles And Prayer

by Jody H. Cox



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/12/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 223
ISBN : 9781456825195
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 223
ISBN : 9781456825188
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 223
ISBN : 9781456825201

About the Book

This is an inspirational book written by a man who spent over thirty years of his life drinking and drugging, after two intense inpatient rehabs, twenty-eight arrests, nine felony convictions, and a five-year prison sentence. The only thing that changed was the amount of party money that was available, had increased, and the disease had gotten worse than ever. Then on the thirtieth day of a thirty-five-day jail sentence, God inspired him to write this book. His life has now changed forever. No more drinking and no more drugs, he is now high on life, happier than heÊs ever been, and for once in his life, totally stable. Dozens and dozens of unbelievable events have taken place, way too ironic to be coincidental. It is all miracles performed by God himself, a perfectly mapped-out plan, totally created by the Master, to change this manÊs life so that he could become a minister and show the world that there is a cure to addictions. Read it and you will be convinced, and you will become a true believer.

About the Author

This is an inspirational book written by a man who spent over thirty years of his life drinking and drugging, after two intense inpatient rehabs, twenty-eight arrests, nine felony convictions, and a five-year prison sentence. The only thing that changed was the amount of party money that was available, had increased, and the disease had gotten worse than ever. Then on the thirtieth day of a thirty-five-day jail sentence, God inspired him to write this book. His life has now changed forever. No more drinking and no more drugs, he is now high on life, happier than heÊs ever been, and for once in his life, totally stable. Dozens and dozens of unbelievable events have taken place, way too ironic to be coincidental. It is all miracles performed by God himself, a perfectly mapped-out plan, totally created by the Master, to change this manÊs life so that he could become a minister and show the world that there is a cure to addictions. Read it and you will be convinced, and you will become a true believer.