Journey Into Prayer

by Bill Stewart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/07/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9781453531051
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9781453531037
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9781453531044

About the Book

Journey into Prayer tells the story of Philip and his exciting spiritual journey from the tentative, elementary beginning of a prayer life, to a satisfying and deep communication with God. His journey leads him through a number of learning experience and adventures that develop his ability to pray effectively. Along the way he meets with different people, visits the City of Prayer, realizes the essence behind the teachings of Jesus Christ, and experiences communion with God in an increasingly rich and personal way. The reader is invited to join Philip and his friends on this surprising journey. It may transform your prayer life and lead you into a stimulating, fulfilling and ever growing relationship with God.

About the Author

Bill Stewart was born and raised in Scotland. After completing his college education, he married Rita and they moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where Bill attended seminary to continue his training for the ministry. Upon graduation Bill and Rita moved to Canada, to begin their ministry and Bill completed his work for a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological seminary, in California. Bill and Rita have three sons and four grand children. They have devoted their entire ministry life to serving in Canada, where they pastored churches in western Canada and in Toronto. In 1983, Bill was appointed by his denomination to supervise the churches in Atlantic Canada. In 1994 he was elected as national director for the churches all across Canada. Bill has been a contributing author for a number of books and articles. He authored a companion book to this one called “Journey into Holiness.” Bill and Rita make their home in Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada. They have many interests but particularly enjoy hiking, reading and travel.