ATLANTIS: Battle Against Timpist

by Brandon R. Benjamin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/10/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 189
ISBN : 9781453565049
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 189
ISBN : 9781453565063
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 189
ISBN : 9781453565056

About the Book

Brother and sister, Sean and Rebecca Cove, two teenagers who enjoy swimming and both have a strange love for the water are not your ordinary teenagers. However, they do not know how extraordinary they are. Sean and Rebecca are about to embark on a journey that will take them deep under the Atlantic Ocean to a world that they’d never thought existed. Along their journey, they both discover that the new world they have found is the legendary, mythical city of Atlantis and that they are Atlanteans themselves. Sean and Rebecca will face dangers that no man has faced and obstacles that will put them to the test of their abilities. Little do they know, they will meet their long lost Atlantean father and will be torn between a war of the Atlanteans, Humans and their own Atlantean uncle, Timpist, which whom was banned from Atlantis and has now returned to declare war for the throne!

About the Author

Brandon R. Benjamin has been writing books since the age of sixteen. It all started in eighth grade at Felton Laboratory School in Orangeburg, South Carolina. His mentor and former music teacher, Mr. Donald Lee Jr. inspired him to write and appointed him as a choreographer and co-director for a school play, which Mr. Lee wrote. At that very moment, he wanted to write and put his imagination on paper. He wanted them to come true somehow, so he began writing books immediately after, only to find out that God has given him an incredible ability to construct stories and make them vivid as possible to readers eyes. It was truly a calling from the Lord and he had to follow it. He remember one night, right before he went to bed he was flipping through a magazine and came across an ad that said, “Writing is what some people do best. You have the talent, now put those skills to work.” When he saw that very statement, he took an oath to write stories and show the world his talent. There are some people out there in the world who say, “I can’t do it.” If there’s any teen or an adult that is reading this autobiography, he wants to tell you, “Yes you can!” Never give up and your dreams will come true…His did.