by Big Adam



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/04/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 259
ISBN : 9781462855728
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 259
ISBN : 9781462855711

About the Book

Kevin is a young farmer from the fields of Alabama whose ambition in life is to become a firefighter while holding true to the values and traditions passed on to him from his family. While a student on a college campus where he works security he happens into the path of the Giant Indian who has been a fixture on the campus for a decade and has become a mentor to the students, faculty, and staff. Both Kevin and the Indian are fearful and intimidated by each other at first but once they establish a bond they discover they each hold something the other one has always been searching for. For Kevin it is a journey into a world he has always wanted to see. For the Indian it is peace within his heart.

About the Author

“Big Adam” is from Cherokee, North Carolina, and has written 11 books. A graduate of Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama, he is currently working on his doctorate in criminal justice through Northcentral University. While a student at Faulkner his friends gave him his pen name. He enjoys taking long road trips and going to the beach. A member of the Church of Christ and an avid animal lover, he divides his time between friends in Alabama and family in North Carolina.