
The Jaylene Olivia Josalene Cotman Story

by R. D. Smiley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/05/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 329
ISBN : 9781462866274
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 329
ISBN : 9781462866267
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 329
ISBN : 9781462866281

About the Book

This book is about a family of great resources and power. The entire universe awaits for the birth of the redbone queen Olivia Jaylene Josalene Cotman. She is born into a world of hate and slavery, then grows into a family of mystery and great wealth with the instruction of El to guide them. The timelines move on as the ancestral winds tell her whom to choose, and the celestial heaven shows her a deep secret. She finds her family and grows anew. With the help of her brother Clarence “Cee” Cotman and her adopted brother Raymond Rayvon William-Cotman, she becomes a danger to the worlds unknown, as she tells the story of how it all began.

About the Author

R. D. Smiley, a.k.a. Rene’ Denise Pearson, is no stranger to the hip-hop world. Inspired to create one of hip-hop’s first female DJ MC crew, RD experienced something that she thought was gone forever: music. As an inner-city child, the world of beats and hardcore verbal flow had RD putting away her wants and desires to make the group a success; but the music world left a bad taste, leaving R. D. hurt and disillusioned about life. However, the creator of all gifts saw something different in this woman and brought back an experience that awakened RD for good: the Redbone Queen. It was an open vision that came back to her from the past and sparked an interest in something that she was told she could never do: create stories. At seven years of age in school, she experienced and ran with the character of this very book. This character or ancestor stayed with her throughout her growing years until RD came to a crossroad. With the heightened glow in her life, RD received a BA in theology, and it was then that the Redbone Queen surfaced and inspired her to write this book—and so she did just that.