(You Will Never Look At Yourself The Same Way Again!

by Stanley Berne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/12/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 311
ISBN : 9781477120729
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 311
ISBN : 9781477120712

About the Book

BODY. (From OHG Boteh - Corpse) The flesh or material substance of a human being. The trunk or torso of a man or animal, the flesh or material substance, as opposed to the spirit. SOUL. (From the Greek Seele) An entity which is regarded as being the immortal or spiritual part of the person --- having no physical or material reality, is credited with the functions of thinking and willing, hence, determining all behavior. THE GOOD NEWS IS: THERE IS NO DEATH. THE BAD NEWS IS: YOU HAVE TO DO THE WHOLE THING OVER AGAIN!

About the Author

STANLEY BERNE is a decorated War Veteran. He participated in the Liberation of the Philippines from the Japanese. He was one of the first Americans to visit and report from the ground at Hiroshima, after The Bomb was dropped, as a member of the American Occupation Forces in Japan. He is a graduate of Rutgers University and New York University. He taught at Louisiana State University as a Teaching Fellow while reading for the Ph.D. in English and Literature. Berne’s literary mentor was William Carlos Williams. Berne is the author of twenty-three published books. He was associated with the great English Literary and Art Critic Sir Herbert Read, who wrote the Preface to Berne’s The Multiple Modern Gods. Other Literary friends (among others) include Wallace Stevens, Marianne Moore, Henry Miller, Anais Nin, Thornton Wilder. The great painter Matta, illustrated his book The Dialogues. He is represented in New World Writing and The Living Underground (by Hugh Fox) and many other anthologies. He was co-host and producer of the PBS Television Series Future Writing Today (with Author Arlene Zekowski). He is Research Associate Professor in English, Emeritus, at The State University of New Mexico, at Portales. His full Biography appears in Who’s Who in America (a Marquis publication).