More than the Eye Can See

A Memoir

by Helen Lavinia Underwood



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/07/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781483671895
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781483671918
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781483671901

About the Book

More Than The Eye Can See is about two young women, one sighted and one blind, living together as roommates in a small Southern college during the “peaches and cream” fifties. The sighted student reluctantly becomes reader to her blind roommate. A letter dated June 23, 1957 -- the author’s wedding day -- turns up in a box of keepsakes in 2012. Written by the blind roommate as a paean to their college life together, the author realizes she has never read the letter – and certainly never responded to it. The memoir becomes the long-overdue response. Poignant memories and hilarious escapades characterize the narrative.

About the Author

Helen Lavinia Underwood, a native of Huntsville, Alabama, has taught writing at both the secondary and college levels. She holds degrees from Martin Methodist College, Middle Tennessee State University, and Rutgers University. More Than The Eye Can See is her third publishing venture, and her first memoir. Her novels, Under Cedar Shades, and The House of Lakshmi Chatterjee, continue to receive accolades. A published poet, she has also written numerous short stories. She lives in Charlottesville, Virginia with her husband Joel. They delight in their three children and seven grandchildren.