Prayer Thoughts for Every Day

by Kathryn Kurth Scudder



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/08/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781503590939
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781503590922
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781503590946

About the Book

Kathryn Kurth Scudder’s first book, “Everyday Prayers and More,” published in 2014, contained prayers for special days and occasions, as well as articles on her beliefs for Christian living. This book, “Prayer Thoughts for Every Day” includes easy-to-understand prayers based on well-known Bible verses. Kathryn believes that communicating with God and Jesus through prayer is vital to one’s faith journey “Prayer Thoughts for Every Day,” offers a variety of Christian prayers. Specific prayers may be located quickly, by using either the Bible verse, or subject indexes.

About the Author

Kathryn Kurth Scudder spent most of her life in the Detroit, Michigan area. She graduated from Hope College, Holland, Michigan and earned a master’s degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. She taught elementary age children in the Detroit area for over thirty years. After retiring from teaching, she was a church administrative secretary for five years. Through her lifetime, Kathryn belonged to churches of the Episcopal, Reformed Church in America and United Methodist denominations. For the past sixteen years, she has attended and been active in the non-denominational Christian church, located in the retirement community where she now resides. Kathryn has volunteered for over ten years in the Spiritual Support Department at a local hospital. She plans to continue being active in church activities in her remaining years. She finds it encouraging, knowing that someday she will be in heaven with our Lord Jesus.