Youth Better Reckon-Eyes

by Kawan Sheppard



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/07/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781503583658

About the Book

Youth Better Reckon-Eyes teaches us that God isn’t pleased with disobedience; He is looking for sincere Christians. This book shows how compromising will lead you down a road of destruction and distractions, and until you get on the right path you will find yourself on detours throughout your life. We are living in a day that if you address sin people will say you are “judging them” when the Bible clearly says should we continue in sin that grace may abound? God Forbid! How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein (Romans6:1,2)? It’s not judging just reiterating God’s word. This is a warning to the generation who like to get “Turned Up,” that you better change your ways or on judgment day you will get “Turned Down,” by Christ! Living holy and Christ-like might not be cool to you now, but it will prevent you from being hot in an eternal Hell later! I urge you to stop making excuses and make better choices. It’s not about us, but it’s about Jesus. Be Blessed.

About the Author

Kawan Sheppard lives in Akron, Ohio, and is currently working on her third book. Kawan, the youngest of four, was raised by both parents. Church attendance was not an option in her house. Kawan surrendered her life to Christ at the age of twenty-one. She has taught youth Bible class and has a strong desire to see young people on fire for Christ, not just by word but mainly by their actions! Kawan prays that her unique style of writing will captivate her readers and have them wanting to know more about Jesus. She feels a strong urgency to get the Word out to our youth so they can see that a holy lifestyle has so much more to offer with better long-term benefits than the worlds. Kawan's dream is to travel the world and get the message of holiness out to a generation that is living without boundaries. There can't be any doubt in your heart if you’re ready or not when he returns. I urge you to stop making excuses and make better choices! Jesus is soon to return . . . Youth Better Reckon-Eyes!