Civil War Diary of Chauncey N. Brown

Company M 3rd Regiment N. Y. Volunteer Lt. Artillery 1864-1865

by Chauncey N. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/10/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781514413111
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781514413098
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781514413104

About the Book

This is a simple record of a union soldier who volunteered to fight in the War between the States. It is not about tactics or strategy but about daily movements and simple camp life, a man from Syracuse, New York, doing his duty and fighting for a cause.

About the Author

Chauncey Brown, Company M, Third Regiment New York Light Artillery Volunteers, was enrolled on the first day of December 1861, at Union Mills, New York, for three years and is reported (as Pvt.) "present" on rolls from enlistment to include November and December '63. (His name does not appear among absentees from any cause on Battery Returns for 1862. The Battery was stationed at Fort Corcoran, Virginia, in February 1862 and in North Carolina the remainder of 1862). Reenlisted as a veteran volunteer, December 31, 1863, "absent" on furlough since February 13, 1864 on roll January and February 1864, "Present" (as Corpl) on rolls May and June 1864 to include March and April 1865. (Roll for March and April 1864 is not on file. Not among absentees on Battery Return for April 1864. Battery was stationed April 30, 1864, at Yorktown, Virginia). Mustered out with Battery, June 26, 1865 (as corporal). His name appears on all Muster Rolls of Battery as Chauncey n. Brown. The records of this office furnish no evidence of alleged injuries. Regt. Hosp. Records shows him, May 11, 1862, admitted to hospital, disease, remittent fever, May 23, 1862, returned to duty.