
Harmonious, Healthy & Heaven-Sent Union

by Andrea Bowen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/11/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781514423288
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781514423295
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781514423301

About the Book

This book serves to provide practical and spiritual guidance to couples preparing to unite and become one in holy matrimony. This book focuses on providing tips and strategies to preparing for life transition, cultivating healthy relationships. The intent of this project is to help others in finding ways to deal with time management and stress management as it relates to planning your special wedding and most importantly examining ways to sustain a healthy marriage and cultivating a positive and loving relationship with the love of your life.

About the Author

Andrea “Drey” Bowen received training at Yale University Child Study Center, Florida State University, and Trenton State College. Drey is a licensed clinical social worker and certified family life educator. She is founder of Moving Onto Higher Ground Inc., a faith-based business that seeks to provide a catalyst for positive change for children, individuals, families, and communities. Drey seeks to inspire individuals in nontraditional forms—by incorporating dance, physical fitness, psychotherapy, and spirituality in her practice. Drey focuses her attention on strengthening and empowering families (particularly military families) and helping them to become resilient, despite challenges and stressors. She may be reached at AndrBow5@aol.com or P.O. Box 222365 West Palm Beach, FL 33422. You can find more about Drey by going to www.movingontohigherground.com