“Keys to Open the Heaven”
Release the Kingdom of God in the Earth as it is in Heaven
Book Details
About the Book
Learn How to Use Spiritual Keys
To bring the Kingdom of Heaven in the Earth!
Be transformed by the renewing of your minds...
This Holy Spirit-inspired manual by Rasheda Davis is life changing and full of divine revelations from the Lord on how to open the heaven. This teaching will inspire, activate and equip you to operate in the supernatural, unearthly and miraculous realm of the Kingdom of God! It will propel you to a new dimension and depth in God that will cause you to experience manifestations of divine signs and miracles in the earth! (Acts 2:19)
Behold the Kingdom of God is within you! (Luke 17:21)
There is a move of God locked on the inside of you? God desires to move by His Spirit to bring His Kingdom to the earth as it is in heaven. Do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that you are the dwelling place of the Living and Most High God? He has given you spiritual keys to open the heaven! You must learn the ways to use the keys that you have been given.
The profound writings in this manual details how the church (bride of Christ) is given a mandate to continue in Christ's mission with the “Keys to Open the Heaven”! This biblical Hebrew-Greek teaching will teach and prepare the bride of Christ on how to use the keys of faith, prophecy and more to open the heaven. You will gain insight on how to engage in Kingdom authority, dimensions of power, while flowing in miraculous faith in God.
“Keys to Open the Heaven” has been breathed on by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). The training is rooted in biblical truths and is revelation-based! Get ready to be trained and equipped to operate in a Kingdom mindset. After reading this book, you will be prepared to flow as God’s blood-washed ekklēsia, church and bride, functioning in Kingdom authority and power to open the heaven. As you open the heaven you shall eyewitness the Kingdom of God become visible in the earth!About the Author
Author, Entrepreneur and Intercessor Rasheda Davis, is a devoted wife and mother of six wonderful children and she works along with her husband, Terence, in ministry. In addition, the couple works side by side at the School of Intercession, as teachers and prophetic trainers, being inspired by the Holy Spirit. She carries the assignment to equip the Body of Christ and to develop prophetic worshipping warriors with tender hearts to intercede for the nations. Rasheda developed a tenacious and strategic prayer style through times of refreshing in the presence of the Lord. She is gifted with a revelation prophetic teaching and preaching anointing as she ministers at the School of Intercession. Rasheda and Terence also works together ministering to married couples with the assignment of restoring Godly marriages in the earth. Giving honor to the Father Yahweh, Jesus Christ (Yeshua), and the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh).