Intercession Is Who I Am . . . I Am a Brand

Intercession & Prayer Guide

by Bettye Harris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/03/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781524591670
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781524591663

About the Book

A brand is a specific image that establishes and attracts loyalty. A brand is a unique design, sign symbol, group of words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. Over time, this image becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality, and satisfaction in the consumers’ minds. A brand is a product that tells us the source of the product. A brand is the name given to a product from a specific source. This word was given to me by God. He said to me, “You are a brand.” “I called you to establish prayer that attracts people, and as I manifest the answers, the people will become loyal to me [God].”

About the Author

Apostle Bettye Harris was born the eighth of ten children of Elmer and Essie Mathis of Snellville, GA. She received her foundation as a worker in the vineyard from watching the life of her parents. Her father served as Chairman of the Deacon Board and her mother directed the choir in Shiloh Baptist Church. In addition to her early ministry training she received her formal education in Gwinnett County Public School System. She also attended Dekalb Technical and Atlanta Technical Colleges to further her education in the field of psychology and business. She later married and was blessed to have three beautiful children; Arethia David, Michelle Zachery and Frederick Zachery. The call of God upon her life to be a leader in the kingdom of God was apparent from early childhood. Being that during that time is was unheard of and unlawful for women to preach, she ran until she couldn’t suppress the Greatness that God placed in the inside of her. Still not fully understanding the call, she put faith in God and began to pray to him for his leading and guidance. In the 1970’s, Apostle Harris moved her family to Atlanta where she continued her service to the Lord, as a prayer counselor it was during this time in her life that she was introduced to intercessory prayer ministry. Apostle’s elevation as a prayer warrior for the body of Christ aided her in coping with her own life of hurts. The Holy Spirit spoke to Apostle Harris and told her that God was going to give her hands on experience as a Pastor in the early 1980’s. Through her desire and hunger to please the Lord, She was elevated to an associate pastorate position in a local ministry where she served until 1986. It was through her own wounds and disappointments during that period, that her ministry of Inner-Healing came into fruition. Apostle Bettye Harris hosted and facilitated monthly seminars and symposiums on Intercessory Prayer and Inner-Healing both locally and abroad. Her willingness to accept her calling to lead others to healing soon led her to be ordained as an Apostle in 1994 under the Victory Intl’ Prophetic Ministries umbrella, whereas Chief Apostle Mary D. Lawrence served as CEO and Founder.