Who Influences You? Living Your Life Without Shame

by Andrews Kudjoe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/08/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781984591340
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781984591357

About the Book

Have you ever asked yourself, why do you do what you do? Are you satisfied with your life? If not, could it be due to the influences in your life? You are three-dimensional and each dimension requires your attention. This book will give you insight about: What makes you do what you do How your flesh operates How to overcome the negative opinion of others The glory of God that is inside you Discover your potential and God – given abilities to help you overcome your past experiences and release the hidden treasure inside you. If you feel oppressed – YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A SLAVE TO YOUR FLESH If you feel trapped – YOU HAVE BEEN REDEEMED TO HAVE INFLUENCE If you feel ashamed – YOU CAN LIVE A GLORIOUS LIFE! You can be free from your bondage and distress when you use the system that works for you. You can use the word of God as a tool and pray to the Lord to deliver your soul from pain, stress and self-ambition, and to preserve your soul so that if you go through adversity, you will emerge a winner! The insights in this book will help you to understand God’s unmerited favour, the blessing of His authority and power activated and expressed by faith and working through love. The aim of this book is to equip you to be strong in yourself and in your faith and to have a winning mindset.

About the Author