LongTALES for shortTAilS “Lancie’s Lessons by Letter” & Tales 4 Through 7

The Last 4 Tales of A Children’s Short Story Collection of 7 Total Tales

by Duane Lance Filer Illustrated by Ajaye' Herndon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/08/2020

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781664124325
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781664124301
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781664124318

About the Book

The following four (4) short stories are the last of my “LongTALES for ShortTAILS” collection of seven (7) stories involving stories concocted from family members and personal characters I experienced in my growth experience while moving into adulthood and marriage. I am so proud to say I grew up in Compton, California and had one of the richest childhoods one could ever imagine. My greatest asset was to remember in my mind many childhood experiences; expand and explore these experiences; lock them in the back of my memory; and, finally, to expose them to the rest of the world. Following is the exposing. I just hope you like my stories – but more importantly – can relate to them. This fourth and final addition of my “LongTALES for ShortTAILS” short-story collection is dedicated to my first grandson, Lance Giovanni Filer. “Lil Gio” could easily be many of the kid characters mentioned in the following stories. Enjoy!

About the Author

Duane Lance Filer is a writer now residing in Carson, California, who has written a total of 8 books to date. “Lancie’s Lessons by Letters – LongTALES for ShortTAILS will be his 9th book. Duane continues to turn out new material. Duane and his six siblings were raised in Compton, California by mom Blondell and Dad Maxcy (now both deceased) and the kids were also told to follow their dreams and achieve, and to NEVER GIVE UP; to give back and contribute to their communities and society. Duane’s personal website is https://duanelancefiler.wixsite.com/duanelancefiler.