by Frederick Mundle



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/03/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781664160859
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781664160842

About the Book

CHURCH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BRIDE? presents a spiritually perceived question from the heart of Christ. We, each and every professing Christian from the seminaries on to the shepherd-occupied pulpits down through the Boards, the Elders, the Deacons, through the congregants and every office imaginable within the body of Christ, must awaken. The church as the body of Christ in its entirety is being trafficked by profiteers, snake-oil sales persons, con artists, apostate denominations, false preachers, false teachers and the list goes on. Covid-19 has not spared one church from one effect or another as a result of the pandemic. The remnant in each and every full-Bible church, though he or she may die as a result of Covid-19 lives and dies as a potential collateral damage statistic. Did Christ not foreknow that His disciples would perish in one way or another? He also knows that His best of the best during this pandemic may suffer and die as well. But, if I understand anything at all, the church has gone so far from the centrality of the gospel that Christ has permitted each and every one to come under the attack or threat of the attack of Covid-19. And, that is not a bad thing. The main thrust of many poems depicts the corrupt state of a church gone off the rails. Add to any of the central-theme poems your realizations, your revelations, your epiphanies relative to the disintegrating elements within the church. Christ will no more forgive the unrepentant fallen state of the church or anybody in the church than He will forgive Satan. Either the church will rise up on the other end of Covid-19 in full revival or it will on an individual basis see true believers seeking true believers uniting and preparing not only to live for Christ as they should but fully resigned to dying for Christ and indeed the should also. Other poems found in CHURCH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BRIDE? will endeavour to speak to the necessity of being born again, the value of the blood, the need of repentance, the practice of forgiveness and other various aspects of working out one’s salvation in fear and trembling.

About the Author

to be followed