The Fairies and Gnomes’ Spring Fair

by Margaret Thew



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/06/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781664103801
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781664103818
Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : N/A
ISBN : 9781664106420

About the Book

This book is a tale about fairies and gnomes who gathered to create a New Year Fair. The fairies sat together to work out what they would sell on their stalls, and the gnomes worked out what they could build to sell at the fair. After invitations were sent to all the animals in their neighbourhood, they started their working bees to make goods. The fair was opened by Blondie, the head fairy, and Bob, the chief gnome. The fair went well, and money was raised for a worthwhile charity. The aftermath was cleaned up at the Village Green, and everyone went home exhausted.

About the Author

Margaret has a creative mind and has painted in oils for the past 15 years and recently during COVID lockdown took on a Watercolour Course on line. After doing a writer’s course hosted on a cruise ship (in 2020), she decided to write a children’s book to see what she would achieve getting it published. Inspired with her daughter’s initiative when she had set up stalls in various marketplaces, Margaret decided on a theme at the markets which showed lots of children visiting there buying drinks, children’s clothing, fairy dresses, fairy floss etc. The result being, that some of the takings would go to a local charity.