For Love or Money

by Barbara Butterfield



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/02/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781664159303
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781664159310

About the Book

Meghan Moore seeks glamour and fame as her modeling career begins to take off with the help of an agent who only has one thing on his mind. One night, detective Lt. Larry Baker enters her life and she soon finds herself treading a confusing line between what she wants, and what she needs. Larry’s work is cut out for him as he endeavors to convince Meghan that life is not all about fame and fortune. But what is truly important lies within her grasp, if only she would recognize and reach out for it before its too late.

About the Author

Ms. Butterfield is California born and raised, and currently resides in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona…where she lives with her favorite feline friend: Baybee. Integrity, suspense, playfulness, personal growth and a bit of romance are values that play a vital role in her novels. More importantly, the gospel and spiritual growth are also an aspect of life into which she delves. Ms. Butterfield has written for many years, her first novel having been penned at the age of fourteen. She also studied writing and journalism, becoming the Editor-In-Chief of the school’s newspaper. She is currently working on her 65th novel.