The Church Pattern

by John Lowe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/09/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781543498059
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781543498066

About the Book

I would like to start by saying that the church’s vision for all mankind is given to the men and women of God to feed the flock, not just the spirit of man but the whole man, who has the purpose in their hearts to trust the Lord. I have been saved for thirty-one years, and I have witnessed that the church has lost the vision that Jesus Christ purchased with his own blood. When I was filled with the Holy Spirit, the church didn't have much, but the love of God operated so powerfully within each one. But now that the church is blessed, real love has faded. This book is designed to help the members of the church work together to regain the church’s vision. There is a dream given.

About the Author

My name is John Lowe. I am the son of Irene Lowe. My wife’s name is Gloria Lowe. I have three children, Johnny, Latasha, and Roderick. I have eleven grandchildren—three by my children’s marriages and two by my sisters, Brenda and Vanessa. I am an associate minister at New Bethel Church. I am under the leadership of pastor and lady Swinneyand. I love my church. My book was inspired by God. His concern is for the church. He has given it everything it needs to take care of the whole man, which is God’s purpose for all mankind. We, the church, have lost our vision, and I believe this book and the dream I have can renew that vision.