When You Believe

Love Story JFK. Jr and Me (2)

by Judy Chen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/12/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 602
ISBN : 9781669804963
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 602
ISBN : 9781669804956

About the Book

The information about the book is not available as of this time.

About the Author

Judy Chen was born in China, now she lives in Canada According to her own experienced, she has published two books Fairy Tale Rising and 《Diabetic Health-Care》《When You Believe 》is a sequel to Fairy Tale Rising》,this love story is beyond human imagination. This book has collected our communication which is through the internet, telephone and letters, after he left the city where we met each other. These show his rich heart and profound cultural heritage and his professionalism. The way he chased his girlfriend is also unprecedentedly unique. He did spend a lot of time expressing his love for me. Role-playing made his feel free to express his true emotions and love. He is a soldier in the army who worked with his team to rescue thoughts of kidnapped children. He is also doing a lot of good things to help people. As a member of the Kennedy family, he is a brave man. He is my hero. Q Is JFK.JR, My Soulmate.