Islands of Pines

by Claire Delunaire



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/07/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 596
ISBN : 9781669859406
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 596
ISBN : 9781669859413
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 596
ISBN : 9781669859420

About the Book

In the near decades ahead, democracies worldwide struggle to maintain their existences, challenged by entities such as mega corporations, oligarchs, dictators, and despots. Yan Calder Lince, a billionaire candidate to become the first trillionaire, establishes what he calls a virtual nation. Named the Interdependent Order of Polites, it is a democracy declared by its citizens, not the territories they occupy. The goal is to reduce growing poverty by rebuilding the world’s declining middle classes through employee-owned businesses. Conall Wayland, a hostile corporate takeover hotshot, flagrantly chooses Lince and his followers as his new target. He plots against the IOP on it’s first location on the small Cuban island, the Isle of Pines. From St. Petersburg, Russia, Yuri Petrokov, a novice member of a worldwide crime syndicate, stumbles into the murder mission of a wealthy businessman. The mark of the deadly contract is not to be specified until he arrives on the isle in a stolen, miniature Russian submarine. Both Lince and Wayland are potential prey. Will either of them be the one to die? If so, how and why?

About the Author

Claire Delunaire graduated with a degree in Economics but pursued a self-taught profession in computer software engineering for over four decades. That took her around the world and into many different applications of computer technology. She spent much of her free time writing her first novel, Islands of Pines, in the later sixteen years of her career. She completed the book in her first two years of retirement, fulfilling her dream to be a novelist since her teens. Her next book is underway. Claire lives with her family in Mount Airy, Maryland.