by Larry Wade Livingston



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/06/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9798369423431
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9798369423448

About the Book

The House is about the anticipation of what a house has to offer. Even if what you believe in was harder to find than you thought. When do you let anticipation fade away and forget what you believed to be available within its walls. Will time or a coat of paint change the character of the house? What do you expect from your house as it ages? THE HOUSE explores the feelings and disappointment of a house’s life from beginning to its end.

About the Author

Larry Wade Livingston was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in the month of November. He grew up traveling state to state only living in cities sometimes for only a few short weeks. His step-dad was an over the road truck driver which allowed him to attend countless schools throughout his entire childhood. Always being the new kid in school he really had no friends. He found that by writing stories it occupied his mind and he could create his own little world. It was a world that he could control and was accepted. I hope you enjoy the stories that Mister Livingston still amuses himself with as an adult. He writes humorous tales to deep complicated ones and covers many subject matters. If you enjoy his tales and downhome style, you can also find other books by Larry Wade Livingston at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Other books by Larry Wade Livingston The Poetic Storyteller. A book of poems representing the many poetic forms. Three Agendas. A book of three Sci-Fi stories filled with suspense and intrigue. Short Stories from My Heart. A book of Mr. Livingston’s favorite short stories. Sterling Sands. A book of a lawyer’s morality between good and evil. The Protectors. A book of people that are unseen and control part of earth’s survival. The Alignment. A book with many clues throughout to explain the Alignment and its prophecy. A Life Living Fate. A book that questions if our lives or predestined or truly of our choosing. Panadonia. A book about a secret world hidden in the center of the earth. Until a young boy from earth discovers its existence. Return to Panadonia. An update on Panadonia and how its changed since being discovered. The New Panadonia. Tells the story of the many changes that have totally turned Panadonia into a much different world. Jake Lookingglass. The life and times of a boy wonder with adult abilities to solve crimes. Amber Smoke. The early life of a girl turning into a woman, and being from the wrong side of the tracks. Amber Smoke 2. Amber’s life from a teen to adulthood. Showing her disappointment and heartaches until she finally reaches peace and tranquility in her life.