The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Broken State, Collapse of Law, Human Rights Violations, Veil of Injustice and Constitutional Smokescreens—A Case Study in State Failure:

A Complaint against a Postcolonial Dictatorship

by Felix Kaputu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/07/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9798369424421
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9798369424438

About the Book

For over twenty-five years, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been depicted by the media as a nation in turmoil. Armed militias and armies ravage villages, stealing crops and minerals, while proxy wars displace countless citizens. Political violence, corruption, and social insecurity plague the nation, leading to a humanitarian crisis where fundamental human rights are routinely violated. This book delves into the harrowing realities of life in Congo, where public education and healthcare are in shambles, and most people live on less than two dollars a day. Amidst this, political leaders enjoy exorbitant salaries while public servants endure poverty. This empirical research critically examines the gap between the constitutional provisions of human rights and their implementation, presenting stark indicators of a failed state. By analyzing the human rights situation from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the current state Constitution, the book reveals the Congo’s descent into chaos and calls for accountability for its violations.

About the Author

Felix Kaputu, also known as Felix Ulombe Kaputu, is a University Professor specializing in Global Culture Comprehension. He has built an international Academic Career, earning several doctoral degrees across multiple institutions and disciplines. His research now focuses on International Human Rights, particularly on his home country, the D.R. Congo.