Israel, The Jews & The Millennium

by Irene Bonney Faulkes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/04/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781462850693
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781456893217

About the Book

This book has been written in the face of doctrines that have been generally accepted for around one hundred and eighty years. They all today in their variegated presentations, spring from John Nelson Darby, exclusive Brethren, who, having initiated them in England then went world-wide. He particularly concentrated on the United States, being successful in impregnating his doctrines in the hearts of the most important and influential preachers of that era. We should remember that the outpouring of the Spirit as on the Day of Pentecost had not yet been revived as an experience and doctrine. He question is “Why do the Pentecostals and Charismatics go along with his teachings?” Many old Pentecostals had been Baptists, Fundamentalists and Brethren. Hence they brought in the doctrine with them. Dare we go against the Scriptures to follow Darby and Schofield? Should we not take another look at Darby’s doctrine with present extensions and the Word of God, to see how they match up?

About the Author