Treasure of the Squeaky Wheel

The Wandering Boy

by John A. Scott; Kay Buttles



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 3/03/1999

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9780738803258
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9780738803265

About the Book

It is generally unwise for readers to ignore a book's title. In the case of John Scott's Treasure of the Squeaky Wheel, the title and theme it represents is essential. This work is a rich and realistic investigation into American life during the depression years of 1930's.

Scott skillfully weaves together the early foundation of an Up-State New York farm-boy, who leaves home at a young age to begin life, the struggle for survival and the ultimate maturity of this main character, named Homer.

In artfully describing the travels of Homer across the continental United States, the author also depicts many other significant aspects of depression life unknown to today's generation.

Besides being fun to read, and realistic, John Scott provides genius adventures and situations for the young farm-boy Homer to encounter. At times, sadness and tears fill the pages, mystery and adventure also abound throughout the book. As a reader, one becomes part of the story, engulfed by the creative style of the author.

Finally, Treasure of the Squeaky Wheel by John Scott is well-written, well-plotted, informative, and very readable. I highly recommend this unique and talented piece of work to all readers.

John Scott's sister, Kay Buttles, is co-author of Treasure of the Squeaky Wheel. She contributed very much to help make it the book that it is.

About the Author