Beyond Tomorrow

by Clara De Soto



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 21/07/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 620
ISBN : 9780738812496
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 620
ISBN : 9780738812489

About the Book

A gripping tale of two planets ensues Futura on the verge of extinction discovers the existence of Aguazul which offers hope and continuity. The journey of courageous men and women who dare to face the odds of space travel to save a dying race of people. What greets them in Aguazul? A forgotten paradise, an empire of light, and a dark kingdom. Chivalry, legends, love, honor, horror and strife combined in a war to steal their souls. A fight for life, death, or unity!

Beyond Tomorrow is a novel containing Creator, Family, and Life issues throughout its entire text.In a society which cries out for decent material."Beyond Tomorrow"fulfills that purpose with an abundance of meaning and symbolic criteria. Causing anyone who reads the material to THINK for themselves.Viewing the evolving story introspectively,while challenging thought provocation upon all subjectivity.Descriptions are vividly enlightening engrossing the reader, in this fantastic journey of space travel and exploration. With a high degree of possible realigning through a world of fantasy where the outcome of human behaviors are explored in depth. As is the center of the creation, the results and effects of immorality in a life without a Creator is a key focus point.Bringing a code of ethics which is the foundation of any  endeavor, strongly becoming to man. "Beyond Tomorrow"is a potent novel mentioning the importance of human concerns. Abstinence, Integrity, Virtue, Mercy, Forgiveness, with Long suffering as enforcements.  The demoralization of a culture which loses such, is accented severely, as also is spiritual warfare displayed. The Supreme Being Personified, of He, who is total and complete judge. Is the basis of its complete structure. The backbone.  "Beyond Tomorrow" deals with the inner man, revolving a purely fictional work of art. Unfolding  with the discovery of Life on another planet. Each individual characterization enables the reader to relate on a personal level.Through the realm of mental associations with all counter protests presented. Allowing the episode to grasp attention  through the confrontational  what if approach. The novel captures the heart and mind to gripping extenuates. Its vast appeal is the ability to reach out to ALL READERS in any walk of life.

It is of essence the following is completely understood by the reader :

The Author embarks upon this journey and venture to capture, somehow a remnant of life. That which is so astoundingly short on this earth. We live in a time of much controversy.

Yet where in the history of man, has there not been found, any controversial situations?    

There are many people, living and trying to cope with everyday situations. Selflessly giving to improve, build and better our world.There are some who seek to destroy, or choose to tear it down. Or some who simply prefer to watch the stage unfold as each moment passes. Such has it been from the beginning of time, from many a perspective and observation through man. Nothing on this earth is new under the heavens. Some, may like to deny, some may like to hide under the cloak  of pretense. If we study the rise and fall of any nation we are able to find what it is caused its success or its failures. For all era's have periods of differentialities, the common denominator which is extremely obvious and quite simple to see is:  


This is an issue which unfortunately holds a great deal of unpleasantness. For it appears everyone is at odds, with the above. The injustice seems to lie when any individual is untruthful to themselves. Here, we begin by seeing what WE may uncover.

For EVIL can not  be called GOOD, and GOOD can not be called EVIL.

WRONG is not RIGHT, or viceversa.

For each force battles against the other.  If not, then  why is it, the dilemmas persist?  At these crossroads, he who reads these words, now or

About the Author

Beyond Tomorrow Clara De Soto; O.E.M.K.S. Havana, Cuba (1959- )