Wicca is Rising at the Jersey Shore

by Peter Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/04/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781493198269
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781493198245
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781493198252

About the Book

This story is not intended to have a profound, lasting message. I offer the readers a fictional adventure in the life of a teenage boy nearing manhood. It depicts what I consider a normal boy, Eddie, whose fantasies are almost constant and are devoted primarily to sex and women. He is thrown together with college girls who have weird beliefs about relationships between girls and boys, which they attempt to infuse into Eddie’s psychic. Throughout the story, Eddie is forced to wrestle with naturally opposing forces of his prurient needs as a male and beliefs instilled in him by his religious and ethical upbringing.

About the Author

Peter Robinson was born the youngest of 8 children in Upper Darby, Pa. August l, 1931. His heritage is '3/4 Irish, '1/8 Scotch, and 'l/8 German. He attended parochial school for eight years and was taught by nuns. In succession he was graduated from Upper Darby HS and then Drexel Institute of Technology. He was drafted and served in the US Army as a Topographic Surveyor in the Inyo National Forest of California. After completing his military obligation, he found work in Baltimore with the B&O RR and then with a number of' engineering firms. Married to Nell Perdieu for 33 years. Nell was from Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. She passed away in 1992. He worked in progressively increasing capacities as a Civil Engineer until 80 Years old. Over a continuous period of 7-years he worked in the Philippines for 5 years traveling throughout most of the main islands and numerous secondary islands while making his residence in Mabini and Makati. My Story features locations that he visited. Otherwise it is mostly fiction, but people he observed first hand influenced the way he depicts the behavior of many characters. I hope I conveyed the impression that I grew to love the people of the Philippines.