Nuggets for Believers

by Minister Dr. James Edward Terrell & Dr. Marguerite Coke Maxwell Terrell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/08/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9798369427873
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9798369427866

About the Book

Nuggets for believers birth out of the ideas and thanksgiving along with the blessings that Yahweh God has placed on Drs. James and Marguerite’s hearts. The book shares the experiences of the authors and how the words of the true living God has had a profound effect on their lives. The authors’ writings give courage to those who have been struggling and for those that know the true living God. The message of the book is that, we should always remember to renew our love with the author of the Bible, who is none other than Jesus Christ. The author’s writes about how God has changed their lives and what the world around them projects but the word is always been there to get them thru those good or bad times.. By holding onto the words of God it has made their lives more holy. This book comes out of both authors experiences, trails and tribulations. The poems deliver a message of hope and love for the Father. To read this book will open your spiritual eyes to the Kingdom of God.

About the Author

Dr. James Terrell raised in Charlottesville Virginia, Author, Teacher and Minister of the Gospel. Dr. Terrell host a weekly radio program and a monthly Blog radio program. Dr. Marguerite Coke Maxwell Terrell raised in Harlem New York, residing in Florida an Educator, author and producer of a weekly gospel talk program and host of a podcast.