The Goldfish Bowl

by Tom Reilly



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/04/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 820
ISBN : 9781493157082
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 820
ISBN : 9781493157075
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 820
ISBN : 9781493157099

About the Book

Mike Summers, a look alike ‘George Clooney’ has no problem filling his cot wit extramarital affairs. At forty five and married to his beautiful wife June and with two teenage children Steven, eighteen and Sheryl, sixteen, life is good for this suburban housewife with her private tennis lessons and ‘girly’ lunches at the exclusive ‘Jetty Club’ in East Village, a highly sought after upper-class locality overlooking the river. But Laura Williams, the daughter of Senator Dave Williams and niece of Jake Murray, the New York District Attorney, has other plans when Mike insensitively decides their affair is over and she threatens to destroy him and everything he stands for; his family, his career, his very life, unless he divorces his wife and makes her an ‘honest woman’. When money can’t solve the problem there is only one avenue left… Desperate men do desperate things. Tony Perrino and Bill Hayden two highly respected NYPD detectives are assigned to solve the case and bring the unknown perpetrator to justice for this hyenas crime. What follows is a trail of hypnotic detective work, fraught with danger, kidnapping, and murder. A fugitive is on the run in South America. This is a police drama of insurmountable proportions and twists that are mind shattering, a drama that is both exhilarating and exiting, guaranteed addictive reading.

About the Author

Born in Scotland, the author, after military service, embarked upon a corporate career, successfully holding a number senior executive positions with large multination companies. He has traveled extensively throughout the world in his role as ‘corporate doctor,’ finally retiring after spending three years in New Delhi as CEO of a large Indian corporation to pursue his dream as an author. He studied engineering at Dundee University and business law at Sydney University. The House is the author’s third fiction novel. He is currently writing his fourth novel, The Inequity, which will be completed early 2006. The author is an Australian citizen but now domicile in Malaysia and lives on the island of Penang. He is happily married to his beautiful Chinese wife, Anne, who inspired him to pursue his real dream to become a successful author.